Asim Farooki is a Racist
I'm setting up this website to let the public know that Asim Farooki is a racist. In a workplace environment, he walked up to my face and made an overtly racist remark right to my face. I won't reiterate what the word was because it makes me very angry when I think about what he said, but it was four letters and starts with the word C.
This was not isolated. At another time, I saw Asim Farooki walk past an elderly Hispanic man and call him a "sp*c". Asim turned and smirked at him. He knew that old man couldn't fight back. Asim laughed at what he did, humiliating a stranger he'd never met a day in his life.
Below are photographs of Asim Farooki. He calls himself a "photographer", but his photos aren't much better than common wedding pictures.
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